The 2024 Prediction Run started off a bit chilly and wet but with the predictions in our 8 runners/riders headed up the Seymour Trailway as the weather dried up for their 5k run or 11k ride. And some of us really know our pacing as the competition was fierce and many enjoyed a nice chat a long the way.
- “Forecast Runner” Overall Winner: Rebecca @9s
- “Springs” most accurate runner up: Andrea @13s
- Heddy @23s
- “Aerobars” most accurate rider up: Steve @33s
- Pierre @ 1:02
- Neil @2:19
- Dave @2:27
- “Waffles” Wildest Guess Award: John @13:36
Thanks to our volunteer timekeepers Pam, Jeff and Marcus for their help.
Thanks to Neil for picking up the most welcome Donuts and Coffee for afterwards
And thanks to Forerunners for help with the hats, and Xact nutrition prizes.